Cancer Australia invites you to have your say on draft clinical guidance for identifying and investigating people who may have undiagnosed pancreatic cancer.
Cancer Australia has engaged the University of Queensland to lead the development of the clinical guidance. It includes signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer and decision support tools to help clinicians identify and refer people with undiagnosed pancreatic cancer.
The development of the clinical guidance is a key priority of the agency's work to progress the implementation of the National Pancreatic Cancer Roadmap (the Roadmap).
The Roadmap was released in March 2022 and identifies 33 key priority areas and 60 strategies across the care continuum for collective action to 2027. Cancer Australia is progressing five key implementation priorities from the Roadmap to improve the early detection, management and care of people with pancreatic cancer. More information on the Roadmap is available here.
The purpose of this clinical resource is to provide practice points for primary health practitioners to improve:
The symptoms of pancreatic cancer are non-specific and the disease is often diagnosed late, potentially resulting in advanced disease and a lack of treatment options.
Please note: the clinical guidance being shared for public consultation are draft and for the purpose of seeking stakeholder review and input. Health professionals will need to consider the final clinical guidance in the context of their healthcare delivery service and the patients individual needs.
The development of the clinical guidance is part of a broader work package Cancer Australia has commissioned the University of Queensland to deliver. Other outputs will include a framework to support possible future risk-stratified surveillance in the general population, educational materials, and implementation considerations.
Cancer Australia is undertaking a broad consultation process to ensure all relevant stakeholders have the opportunity for input. You are invited to have your say.
Feedback is welcome from members of the public, people with pancreatic cancer and their family and carers. We are keen to hear the views of people from all geographic locations, age groups, ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
This includes but is not limited to health professionals, professional colleges, consumer organisations, researchers, cancer organisations, funders, peak bodies and other organisations across the non-government and government sectors.
You can choose to have your say in two ways through the survey:
You will need to complete the survey to submit your response.
Survey responses and written submissions will be used to inform the development of the clinical guidance.
Consultation will close on Wednesday, 14 February 2024.
If you have any questions about this consultation process, or if you have any technical issues using the Engagement Hub, please contact