Have your say on the draft National Cancer Data Framework

The survey is now closed. Thanks for participating.

Cancer Australia is developing the National Cancer Data Framework in partnership with the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) and Cancer Council Australia (CCA), and in consultation with stakeholders across the cancer sector.

The National Cancer Data Framework will set the strategic direction and priorities for the collection, management, use and ongoing development of data to improve cancer outcomes. It will align with existing and planned national health data initiatives, including the ambitions set out in the Australian Cancer Plan. The Data Framework needs to be flexible enough to account for the differing levels of data maturity across jurisdictions. It is about the sector working together to identify and agree where collective effort is needed to improve cancer data.

Cancer data is critical to:

  • drive optimal cancer care and a high performing cancer care system
  • inform planning, delivery and continuous improvement of cancer care
  • inform policy and research priorities across the cancer control continuum to improve cancer outcomes

Why your views matter

Cancer Australia is undertaking an open public consultation on a new National Cancer Data Framework.

The draft Data Framework’s development has been informed by extensive sector consultation. It reflects broad national agreement on the current state of cancer data in Australia and priorities for action.

Your feedback is essential in refining and strengthening the draft Data Framework. This consultation period offers the opportunity for everyone across the cancer sector to contribute their perspectives on the key elements outlined in the draft Data Framework.

You are invited to have your say and share feedback via this survey.

Before you take the survey, please read the draft National Cancer Data Framework linked on this page.

How to have your say

Please complete the online survey questions below and submit your responses.

The survey should only take you 15 minutes after you read the draft framework.

How we will use your responses

Survey responses will be used to refine and improve the draft Framework in order to deliver the final National Cancer Data Framework.

Consultation will close on 19 November 2024.